100 years ago, 1913
Monday, Christmas money in the amount of $67,101.86 will be distributed among 2523 Lewiston and Auburn people. This fortune, for it is such, represents the amount plus interest, which the members of the Manufacturers’ National Bank Christmas Savings club have accumulated in the past fifty weeks. The checks are now ready and will be mailed Saturday afternoon, reaching members on the early mails of Monday morning. Probably no plan for saving has ever been introduced in this section which has proven more popular than this.

50 years ago, 1963
The possibilities of utilizing as a recreation area the section of the Auburn bank of the Androscoggin River falls known as West Pitch will be discussed tonight at a meeting of the Auburn Recreation Advisory Board. Harry E. Reynolds, superintendent of the Auburn Parks and Recreation Department, said the board will discuss the best means of utilizing the area for recreation purposes. Reynolds said a group of teenagers representing the Auburn Youth Council, a Recreation Department sponsored organization, will meet with the board to discuss matters relating to the needs of a Teen Center in the city.

25 years ago, 1988
City councilors Monday took the recommendation of top city officials and decided to spend more than $96,000 on a new computer system to replace a four-year-old system criticized as being inefficient and unsuitable for the city’s needs. In a workshop session with heads of the city’s finance, computer and tax departments, the council authorized replacing the computer to provide more reliable financial data and connect all city financial departments. The new system will provide a link among the city’s tax assessment, bill collection, payroll and main financial accounts. Money for the purchase will come from several unused computer funds totaling $83,000. In addition, $13,449 will be allocated from the city’s emergency reserve account.

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