AUBURN — A special City Council planning session is still on despite Thursday’s snow but it will prompt a move across the hall.

City Councilors are scheduled to meet at 5:30 p.m. Thursday in Auburn Hall for an orientation and goal setting discussion. The first 55 minutes of the meeting are scheduled to be refreshers on council protocols, committee assignments, meeting structures and meeting calendars. A discussion about City Council goals for the coming year is scheduled for the rest of the meeting.

The original discussions was scheduled to be an informal round-table discussion in the Auburn Hall’s community room. City Manager Clint Deschene said it’s been moved across the hall into the City Council chambers so the meeting can be recorded on video.

“We won’t postpone the meeting because of the storm, but we want to make sure we can record it in case some people can’t make it out,” Deschene said.

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