FARMINGTON — RSU 9 directors will consider action Tuesday on a proposal to restructure grade levels at six schools, including moving sixth-graders to Mt. Blue Middle School in Farmington.

Superintendent Tom Ward also plans to give a presentation on a proposal for changing early-release days and late-arrival Wednesdays for students.

The board also will consider a proposal costing about $300,000 to put an air-conditioning system on the second-floor of the Mallett School in Farmington. The second-floor classrooms at the school, which was built in 2011, reach up to 95 degrees during warmer months.

The meeting will begin at 7 p.m. Feb. 11 in the Presentation Forum at Mt. Blue Campus on Seamon Road in Farmington.

Ward introduced the grade-level restructuring proposal on Jan. 28 to help ease overcrowding at the Mallett School, Cape Cod Hill School in New Sharon and Cushing School in Wilton. The schools are overcrowded by about 30 to 50 students.

The school board asked that more information, including details and costs of restructuring, be brought to the Feb. 11 meeting.

There is room at the Mt. Blue Middle School, with some modifications, to house sixth-graders, Principal Gary Oswald previously said.