LIVERMORE FALLS — Eight applications for RSU 73 superintendent have been received, board Chairwoman Denise Rodzen said. All are men from Maine, she said.

The 19-member Superintendent Search Committee is reviewing the applications this week and a decision will be made March 10 whether to interview any of the applicants, she said.

“We will decide whether they are viable,” she said.

If none have the characteristics sought by the committee, the position will be readvertised.

Superintendent Robert Wall submitted his resignation a few months ago and will retire in June. He has served since 2011. Before that, he was leader of the Jay School Department for several years.

Rodzen said if a suitable candidate is not found by June, Wall has agreed to stay on.

“Bob will stay until we have the right person,” she said.

The Superintendent Search Committee is comprised of board members, administrators and representatives from each bargaining unit, school and department in the district.

Characteristics sought include skills in communication, community relations, school/community involvement, personnel management, facilities knowledge, organization and budgeting.

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