Gov. Paul LePage has proposed to end the wind energy goals signed into law in 2008 by then-Gov. John Baldacci. Those goals are essential in attracting investment for all projects.

The towns that have wind projects have reduced town taxes and receive funds for town projects. The town of Oakland is a good example of benefits (Sun Journal article, March 6).

The First Wind project there has paid the town $600,000 as part of an agreement for the wind power project. During the next 20 years, the town will receive approximately $12 million in payments, and an additional $20 million in property taxes.

Other examples of towns benefiting from wind projects are Roxbury and Woodstock.

The town of Rumford could have had a First Wind project to fund recreation and other town needs. The wind committee made the standards so negative for a project that First Wind moved out of town.

I feel that Rumford is not a friendly town toward business. I noticed that Black Mountain is requesting money from some local towns and they cannot depend on donations, year after year, for support.

The town missed the boat with its negative business attitude. Taxpayers will continue to pay high taxes for many years to come.

Some local towns, Carthage, Dixfield, Canton and Sumner in particular, have a chance to benefit from a wind project if they haven’t killed a project.

Richard McInnis, Rumford