I have heard people talking about impeaching Gov. Paul LePage and think it would be a wonderful idea. I have been watching the news but there isn’t anything official about an impeachment.

I do hear from LePage about jobs, jobs, jobs … and putting Maine back to work. I have to wonder if he is pushing that idea because people are talking about an impeachment.

Gov. LePage has had three and a-half years to put Mainers back to work. It’s kind of late, don’t you think? The state needs jobs, sure, but not just for people with a college education.

How about jobs for people who don’t have any — people who worked in the shoe shops and mills? They need work, too.

How about jobs besides using computers or other electronic things?

Something better than putting tar down to fix roads?

But I really think it is a little late for LePage to repair his reputation as governor.

Phyllis Caron, Lewiston

Editor’s note: According to a 2011 Bangor Daily News article, while Maine’s Constitution has provisions for impeachment, it doesn’t set out a process for citizens to initiate elected action to remove state officials — including the governor — from office. Nineteen other states have a recall process for state officials, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures. 

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