AUBURN — A transient was indicted Wednesday by an Androscoggin County grand jury on felony assault and robbery charges.
Jamie Brown, 25, was held at Androscoggin County Jail in lieu of $50,000 cash bail.
Police said Brown beat a 22-year-old woman with a brick in a Park Street apartment building in Lewiston in February.
Brown is believed to be from out of state.
He was charged with one count of elevated aggravated assault and robbery. Each charge is punishable by up to 30 years in prison.
At the time of the assault, the victim had arrived in Lewiston from Augusta. She was treated at Central Maine Medical Center in Lewiston for head injuries and underwent surgery.
Brown reportedly had met her at the bus station on Bates Street. He convinced her to return to a Park Street building with him so they could sleep in the basement. According to a published report, the situation turned violent when the woman refused to engage in sex acts with Brown. Police said he beat her in the head with a brick, stole items from her and left her for dead.
She regained consciousness and made her way to the hospital, police said.
A resident at 139 Park St. found a pool of blood and the brick at the scene of the attack and called police.
Police said they found Brown at Lisbon and Pine streets, one block from the scene of the attack.
- Jamie Brown
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