NORWAY — It’s mud season once again, and Norway is no exception to the melting snow which turns to sticky, thick mud that tries to keep cars from traveling down dirt roads.

Currently, Roberts Road is the biggest risk in Norway. Because of the amount of snow that has turned to mud, the road has been closed off to all vehicles except for Roberts Road residents. Norway Town Manager David Holt told the selectboard at their previous meeting that there is no particular danger with the mud, except for the possibility of cars getting stuck in it.

Holt said that the reasoning behind closing Roberts Road to all cars except for residents is that the more cars that are kept off the road, the better the road will hold up.

“I think we have the worst mud I’ve seen in many years,” said Holt.

Holt said that just because work has been done on dirt roads in town, making them drain better, it does not mean that they are immune to getting messy after snow melts.

The town has closed the road because there alternative routes for cars to take if they need to get past Roberts Road.

The Highway Department has been out adding gravel and rocks to the road to keep it drivable. Holt said that he has met with residents on Shed Road out of concern for the road.

Holt expects that any rain will make the road better in stead of worst, because it thaws frost in the mud.

“I think the crew has done a nice job working hard, as best they can,” said Holt. “You don’t win many battles with mud.”

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