When it comes to Relay For Life, you can Bank on Frank! Not only are they a great team but they are also are a great sponsor of the River Valley Relay For Life event.

Cathy Dorion of the Rumford Branch of Franklin Saving Bank is a great team leader. She organizes crock pot days at the bank, sells stuffed animals, has barbeques and helps with many of the event fundraisers through the year.

Their tent site is always a great spot to have a photo thanks to their creative minds. it is always is so great to see what they come up with to go with our event theme and we are sure this year will not be disappointing.

The FSB team is very dedicated to helping the American Cancer Society achieve their mission, to remove cancer as a major health threat. Throughout the years, they have dedicated their efforts to employees and their families that have fought or are now fighting the battle against cancer. These men and women go above and beyond to help. They organize meals and visit with staff members that are undergoing treatments and brighten their days. They have also help with many community benefits for area cancer patients.

It is great community partners like Franklin Savings Bank that make the River Valley Relay For Life a success in our area. Thank you Franklin Savings Bank for all you do.

FSB will be setting up shop at the Paul Bunyan Festival downtown on Saturday, May 10.

Their whoopie pie raffle tickets are on sale now and the drawing will be on May 21 in time to receive the dozen homemade whoopies by Memorial weekend

They will also be selling Luminaries beginning May 1.

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