I would like to commend President Obama and the EPA’s Clean Power Plan announced last month. It is the most important step the United States has yet taken to ensure the reduction of our carbon footprint.

U.S. Sen. Susan Collins should wholeheartedly endorse the plan, as it will protect current and future generations of Mainers from the impacts of global warming, which threaten essential parts of our economy: fishing, winter recreation and tourism. The plan will make our state and country a cleaner, safer and more productive place to live.

Maine already follows the standards outlined in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative and, along with eight other states, has reduced carbon emissions in New England by 40 percent since 2008. The new EPA plan allows us to continue on the course set by RGGI, and there is no reason why we should deviate from it now.

Sen. Collins should support the Clean Power Plan and, in doing so, cement Maine’s place as an example for how all the other states should transition into a cleaner economy.

Jordan Becker, Lewiston