DIXFIELD — A request to use up to $10,000 from the Ione Harlow Dixfield Community Fund to build an enclosure for the new electronic scoreboard at Dirigo High School is on Monday’s agenda for selectmen.

The meeting will begin at 5:30 p.m. Aug. 11 at the Ludden Memorial Library.

At the July 28 board meeting, resident Mark Thompson asked selectmen for up to $10,000 from fund to pay for the structure. He said Irving Forest Products recently donated $12,000 to Dirigo High School to replace the football and soccer scoreboard at Harlow Park. The old scoreboard will be installed at the field used for Dirigo High School’s field hockey games.

Selectman Mac Gill said the board would have to make sure there was enough money in the fund before making any decision.

In other business Monday, selectmen will schedule a joint meeting with the Planning Board to review the wind energy facility ordinance.

Since January 2013, the Planning Board has been revising a wind power development ordinance that was approved by voters in 2012.


Town Manager Carlo Puiia told selectmen July 28 that the Planning Board had finished its recommendations for the ordinance and had provided copies to each of the selectmen.

Police Chief Richard Pickett, who also serves on the Planning Board, said the board was ready to meet whenever the selectmen were ready.

Other items on the agenda include:

* Approval of an addendum warrant for the special town meeting Aug. 21.

* Review of the draft language for a complaints process policy.

* Consideration of an ordinance for the recall of elected officials.

* Scheduling a Roads Committee meeting.
