AUBURN — City Council workshop and meeting in Auburn Hall. The workshop is at 5:30 p.m. and topics include an executive session, locations for a downtown bus station and transportation center, and changes to workshop procedures. The regular meeting is at 7 p.m. and topics include zoning changes, the Maine food code, board appointments and executive sessions.
LEWISTON — School Committee at 6:45 p.m., Dingley Building, downtown Oak Street. Agenda: report on K-2 report cards, appoint physician for schools, approve emergency plans for schools.
LEWISTON — City Council workshop and meeting in City Hall. Workshop at at 6 p.m. Regular meeting at 7 p.m.
LEWISTON — YPLAA Candid Candidates, 5-7 p.m., Franco American Heritage Center, 46 Cedar St. Legislative candidates will discuss taxes, jobs and the future of Lewiston-Auburn.
LEWISTON — College for ME-Androscoggin open house 4-7 p.m. 150 East Ave. in the lower level of Champoux Insurance Building, same side as Lewiston High School. Public invited to meet staff and learn how College for ME-Androscoggin helps area adults go to college, or go back to college.
LEWISTON — Lewiston-Auburn Charter Commission meeting at 5:30 p.m. in City Hall. Topics include comparing existing Lewiston and Auburn city charters with the national model charter and reviewing a proposed Charter Commission website.
LEWISTON — School Department Redistricting Committee to get input from parents on plans for a new elementary school to replace Martel school and likely combine Longley students. Meeting at 5:30 p.m. at Longley Elementary School. Meeting at Martel school on Oct. 14.
AUBURN — Special joint meeting of the School Committee and City Council, 7 p.m. in Auburn Hall.
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