100 years ago, 1914
The Ariel club’s big outing took place on Friday. It was a blind run in a special trolley car, which landed the half hundred members who took part at the Lake Auburn fish hatchery. The start was made from the club rooms at 9.30 and from that hour until the return was made there was a continuous good time. The sports were, of course, one of the biggest things and of these the baseball game between the married men and the women was something worth while. Among other events of the day was the banquet. Ariel feeds are always good ones. This was no exception to the rule. It was a clam chowder with all the fixings.

50 years ago, 1964
Lewiston Mayor Roland L. Marcotte noted that the spring cleanup campaign resulted in 516 loads of trash hauled off to the city dump, along with 63 cars, in a statement issued yesterday calling for community-wide cooperation in the fall clean-up campaign, scheduled for the week of Oct. 25 “1 would like to particularly commend the Public Works Department for this unusual service, a service that has been a big factor in improving the appearance of the city,” the mayor said.

25 years ago, 1989
Mayor Maurice L. Labbe said Tuesday that he wants immediate city action taken to shut down an oil-and-wood-fired power plant in Little Canada if it continues to violate city ordinances. The stand taken by Labbe, voiced shortly after a two-hour gripe session dealing with the Hines Alley incinerator and smokestack, conflicts with that of a top city official, who wants more time for the Oregon-based LFC Power Systems to remedy its environmental problems. Nearly two dozen city residents, mostly from Little Canada, attended a Tuesday meeting with top city officials, councilors and state legislators. Residents and landlords said noise, vibrations, odors, steam and smoke from the power plant were intolerable.

The material in Looking Back is reproduced exactly as it originally appeared, although misspellings and errors made at that time may be edited.