Rep. Matthew Peterson, Rep. Sheryl Briggs, Rep. Paul Gilbert and I have worked as the River Valley team in Augusta. With Rep. Briggs retiring due to term limits, Malcolm “Mackie” Gill is running for House District 116.

Legislators work hard to assist their constituents who have individual concerns. Peterson, Gilbert and Gill will work to retain essential services for the state’s most needy, including seniors, veterans and the disabled, all while supporting sensible measures to prevent fraud and abuse.

They will oppose changes in health insurance resulting in insurance rate increases for elderly Mainers and small businesses. They will work across the aisle when it makes sense for their area and oppose legislation when it does not benefit the River Valley.

I endorse Rep. Matthew Peterson, Rep. Paul Gilbert and Mackie Gill for the Maine House.

Sen. John Patrick, Rumford

Editor’s note: John Patrick is the Democratic candidate for Senate District 18.

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