JAY — The Androscoggin Mill manager will update selectpersons Monday night on the state of the mill, the paper industry and what is anticipated in the next five to 10 years, Town Manager Shiloh LaFreniere said Friday.

The meeting begins at 6 p.m. Oct. 27 at the Town Office.

It will be a 15- to 20-minute presentation with the opportunity for questions from selectpersons.

“The topic will be limited to general information and will not include issues that are currently under legal review by both the town and the mill,” she said.

One legal issue under review is Verso Androscoggin LLC’s request for a tax abatement in February for $469 million in valuation for 2013. The town valued the mill and property at $929 million in 2013. The town has until Dec. 1 to make a decision on the abatement request.

In another agenda item, LaFreniere will discuss an annual town meeting date of April versus June, the current month the referendum takes place. The town went to April several years ago but switched back to June.


She also wants to discuss what the budget timeline has looked like in the past and whether the board wants to make any changes this year, she said.

The April/June discussion is primarily to determine whether it is reasonable to align the town’s budget with Regional School Unit 73’s budget and discuss the challenge of holding the municipal vote on the same day as the state primary and referendum votes, as well as discussing the advantage of having additional time if a re-vote on the budget is needed, she said.

Another matter on the agenda will be a request for funding from the Andy Valley Riders Snowmobile Club for equipment replacement through the town’s tower/recreation fund.

Club members did not provide information ahead of time about its request but will bring something with them to the meeting, LaFreniere said.

The board will also hold a public hearing on the adoption on the 2013 Maine Municipal Association’s model General Assistance Ordinance and appendices to bring the town’s October 2005 ordinance up to date.
