MECHANIC FALLS — The Town Council on Monday met with the Revenue Enhancement Committee to review the committee’s successes in finding ways the town could stretch its revenues.

The joint meeting was also to discuss whether the town should take another look at becoming involved in solar energy projects and to discuss how they might encourage greater citizen participation in town affairs.

Bob Small focused on the committee’s contribution to the town’s efforts to reduce its energy costs. The committee secured grants supporting energy efficiency projects, the biggest being the wood pellet boiler at the municipal complex at a savings of about $20,000 a year.

Committee members Carl Beckett and Yvon Gilbert suggested the council might reconsider establishing a solar farm at the town transfer station.

Beckett said although governmental incentives for setting up solar farms aren’t as available or as beneficial as they were a few years ago, the costs for producing electricity for solar are getting cheaper and cheaper.

He said arrangements can be made so the town could set up a solar farm and townspeople, and others, could purchase a solar unit or two, or several, and reap the return.


“Belfast just did what we are talking about,” Beckett said.

Gilbert told the council he has set up solar collectors at his house which, from May to August, completely took care of his energy bill.

Beckett said Germany, as a nation, generates more of its power from solar energy than from oil.

In other business, the council approved Town Manager John Hawley’s recommendation that the town employment policy be amended to make employees working 30 hours a week eligible for some time-off benefits.

The council tabled until its December meeting an amendment to the town discipline process that would establish guidelines to forgive policy violations after a period of good behavior.

Hawley also reported that on two occasions in October, the Androscoggin County Sheriff’s Department didn’t properly dispatch Mechanic Falls Fire and Rescue to critical calls in town.


The first incident occurred on Oct. 11, following the mass accident at Harvest Hill Farms on Route 26 where one person died and more than 20 were injured. Mechanic Falls Fire Department wasn’t toned out until more than 12 minutes after the initial call.

Hawley said it appeared the oversight was the result of the number of calls involved and that one of the two on duty was new to the area.

The second incident occurred Oct. 17, when Mechanic Falls was never notified when a young girl was attacked by a dog in the Sunnyside area of town.

Poland Rescue, which responds to ambulance calls, was promptly notified.

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