ISDRA musher Jocelin Bradbury of Oxford took 19th in the Adult 6 Dog Speed last the Bristol Dryland Canadian Championship Dog Rig race early this month.

She finished the six-mile course with a time of 00:21:06.

In the Adult 2 Dog Speed class at the Central Maine Dryland Challenge Scooter race in Waterville in October, Bradbury finished the 4.0-mile course with a time of 00:13:43.

Bradbury took fourth in the Adult 1 Dog Speed class at the Central Maine Dryland Challenge Canicross women’s race in October. She finished the 4.0-mile course with a total time of 00:32:19. In the Adult 6 Dog Speed class, she finished the 4.0-mile course in a time of 00:12:06.

In the Adult 2 Dog Speed class at the Bristol Dryland Canadian Scooter Dog race on Nov. 2, Bradbury finished third on the 6.0-mile course with a time 00:19:08.

Bradbury took second in the Adult 4 Dog Speed class at Bristol. She finished the 6.0-mile course with a time 00:17:47.

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