BUCKFIELD — Loc Pham and Micaela Mazon loved viewing the yellow, orange, gold and red leaves on trees this season.

It was a first for the two exchange students at Buckfield Junior-Senior High School.

“I’ve never seen such leaves,” said Micaela, 17, a senior from Ecuador.

Loc, 16, is a senior from Vietnam. He has particularly liked not having to boil water before drinking it as he must at home.

Both have come to the United States to improve their English and to learn about American culture.

Micaela’s older sister, Mishell, strongly recommended that she not only come to the United States but also attend the Buckfield school. Two years ago, Mishell was an exchange student at Buckfield and really liked her experience, Micaela said.


Loc, too, also has a connection in the United States. One of his older sisters is a student at a college in Seattle.

Both high school students said they really like the people in the area.

“The people are really friendly,” Loc said.

Micaela’s host is Buckfield Middle School teacher Gretchen Kimball. Loc lives with a family in Mexico who often hosts exchange students.

Loc and Micaela have had many opportunities to see other parts of the state. Micaela said she has been hiking with the Kimball family, and Loc said he has been to several places, including a zoo.

Loc cooks Vietnamese foods for his host family and in return tries as many American dishes as he can.

Micaela loves to cook and has prepared several Ecuadorian foods for her host family, including empanadas, which are meat-filled pastries.

She said she hopes to become a cheerleader for the basketball season, while Loc plans to participate in soccer or basketball.

Micaela has already completed her high school education in Ecuador and plans to attend college there. Loc will be required to attend one more year of high school before going to college.