I enjoyed the editorial cartoon in the Sun Journal (Nov. 14), showing Prof. Jonathan Gruber at the “ObamaCare” chalkboard, torturing logic, language and truth on his way to an encounter with the Supreme Court. Looking closely, I can see references to the plethora of leftist political urban legends they’ve crafted for themselves and their minions.

But then, I was able to enjoy the cartoon because I watch Fox News and follow Breitbart and RebelPundit and listen to Rushbo most afternoons while I’m working.

Many others may only wonder, “What’s up with that cartoon?” You see, too many people rely on mainstream media for their information: the alphabet channels, CNN (well, not many viewers there, actually), MSNBC (fewer and fewer there, too, by all reports), the New York Times and its clones and Jon Stewart. Those outlets rarely refer to Gruber’s role in the crafting of ObamaCare. His multiple explanations of the central role that elitist deceit and contempt for Americans played in its creation pass by without media notice.

The prejudice I’ve developed about the media and its leftist slant becomes conviction as I watch the multiple examples of Gruber’s analysis of ObamaCare play against the wall of silence the media has erected against this arrogant man’s truth-telling. In this silence, one can clearly see that the media manages news for the benefit of the Democratic Party.

Whatever their level of education, too many Americans, in their choice of information sources, elect to remain low information voters.

Leonard Hoy, Greenwood

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