MEXICO — Mexico and Rumford selectmen will meet with Oxford County Sheriff Wayne Gallant, Rumford police Chief Stacy Carter and Mexico police Chief Roy Hodsdon at 6 p.m. Monday, Nov. 24, to discuss a cost analysis for the Oxford County Sheriff’s Office to provide the towns with 24-hour coverage.

The selectmen from both towns will first meet with Gallant at 6 p.m. to discuss his proposal, and at 7 p.m. with Carter and Hodsdon to discuss a budget proposal for a joint Police Department.

The boards met Oct. 15 to discuss the best ways to consolidate services. Mexico Selectman Albert Aniel said he believed the first thing the towns should look at is the police departments.

“I only see two possible solutions when looking at our police departments,” Aniel said. “We could either wait and see what the Oxford County Sheriff’s Office says about covering both of our towns, or the Rumford Police Department could disband and Mexico hires eight officers from Rumford, which would give us a 12-man police force between each town.”

Chairman Richie Philbrick suggested Town Manager John Madigan contact Gallant to ask him to meet with both boards and both police chiefs.