This is in response to Ellie Leight’s letter, “Why does the public support LePage? (Feb. 24). I have asked the same question.

I don’t know which was more shocking, that someone who accomplishes so little and represents the state so badly was re-elected, or, that the electorate would vote for someone like that.

Witness his attempts to side-step state agencies and other government officers, such as the Maine Human Rights Commission in a religious discrimination case where he has no authority, and the Maine Attorney General’s Office, where he also has no authority. Then he comes out with absurd explanations of why he has the right.

Theories of how the governor got elected include: the Eliot Cutler split-the-ticket “conspiracy theory”; the likelihood that the bear hunting referendum brought out a demographic that may have never seen the inside of a voting booth before; to the possibility that there was something about Mike Michaud other than his politics that some didn’t like.

Those might have some merit, but I have come to the sad conclusion that the people who voted for him aren’t ashamed and actually enjoy sordid, un-cooperative, contentious behavior and the spectacle of government by-and-for the World Wide Wrestling Federation.

I am afraid that is the demographic who voted for LePage, even when he accomplishes little of substance and spends much of his effort promoting policies disguised as “responsible” but designed to line the coffers of the affluent at other people’s expense.

Jeff Christiansen, Gorham