The town of Minot will be holding its annual town meeting at 9 a.m. on Saturday, March 7, at the elementary school. Many important issues will be voted on —  items that will change the taxes in Minot if approved.

Maine towns have town meetings so that residents can express their views and vote on issues that will affect their taxes. Unfortunately, many residents no longer realize the importance of those meetings and are willing to give up their rights while allowing others to determine what the tax base will be. Those people have many excuses for not attending, from it being too boring, or having somewhere else to go or something else to do.

Some people just don’t care.

Be assured, those who are pushing items that will increase Minot’s taxes will make sure their supporters will be there to get their votes. If it goes through and your taxes go up you have no one to blame but yourselves, your no show means a vote for those who do.

Minot residents should come out and vote Friday and then plan to attend the town meeting Saturday. It is their right and civic duty.

If it is ignored, it may disappear.

Bernice Fraser, Minot