JAY — Selectpersons have agreed to pursue a Workforce Development Grant Program with Polycor, a Canadian-based company that is developing the North Jay White Quarry and plans to build a plant to make granite curbing off Old Jay Hill Road.

The town would be the applicant for the Community Development Block Grant and Polycor would be the co-applicant, Town Manager Shiloh LaFreniere said.

Voters will be asked to weigh in on the proposed grant application during the annual town meeting referendum on April 28.

A public hearing on the warrant articles will be held at 6 p.m. Monday, March 19, in the library at the Spruce Mountain High School.

The workplace development grant would be for up to $100,000 for training, LaFreniere said.

Polycor wants to train several quarriers to work in the quarry. LaFreniere said she was told there are only three quarriers in the state.

The company also needs workers to make granite curbs.

The town would administer the grant at no expense to the town, she said. Everything is done electronically.
