The anger and animosity continue in Ferguson, Mo., with a cowardly attack on two police officers March 12. I have to believe that it was connected to the fatal shooting of Michael Brown in August 2014 by a white police officer. That officer was not charged with any crime, but eventually resigned from the police force.

The city has undergone several investigations since the August incident and rioting, with other officials resigning. But Ferguson remains unsafe and under surveillance by local and state police forces.

Tension remains and protesters continue to demonstrate their discontent with city officials and the police department. Emotions must cool, allowing justice to prevail.

The sniper who shot the two officers March 12 was apprehended and the officers survived their injuries, but they could suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder for many years. That is similar to Armed Services veterans returning home from having been exposed to the antagonism and mortality of war.

Can we ever find peace in a world becoming repulsive? Truth to be told, not in my lifetime or perhaps, never.

Robert Lacombe, Lewiston

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