To the Editor:

As someone who works with the elderly, I have been alarmed by the recent federal funding cuts for services for those most in need. Right now, there are older adults in this state who are experiencing hunger for the first time.

Many of the Agencies on Aging have had to place elderly people on waiting lists to receive Meals On Wheels because the funding just isn’t there to keep up with the demand.

It cuts me to the core to think about these elderly people doing their best to continue to live at home — which saves taxpayers a lot of money compared to putting people in an nursing care facility. But, now they face moving out or living without food delivery.

I have had family members, friends and neighbors receive Meals On Wheels. Thankfully, they are already receiving the meals or they would be placed on a wait list. They could private pay, but many just simply can’t afford the cost. This is unacceptable to me.

As a community, people need to go back to core values and step up. One older adult going hungry is one too many.

I will be communicating my concerns to my local representative. Also, I will be donating time and money and will continue to advocate for our elders. They are one of the most vulnerable populations and I hope others will join me in stepping up to make a difference.

Valerie Cole
