NORWAY — The Planning Board voted unanimously Thursday evening to approve the completed application to use a building at 12 King St. to grow and dispense medical marijuana.

Matt New of Auburn, who owns a similar operation in Turner, plans to lease the former meat-processing plant for the operation. He plans to lease the basement, first floor and second floor to people who are licensed medical marijuana caregivers. They are generally defined as individuals or distributors who can possess, cultivate and provide medical cannabis to qualified medical marijuana patients.  

Also Thursday, the board voted unanimously to accept a completed site-plan review application for construction of a private health club and fitness training center on Aldrich Avenue.

Jesse Wall of Oxford, who has owned and operated TruStrength Athletics on Route 26 in Oxford since 2008, is seeking to build a 40- by 140-foot steel warehouse-style building and a smaller pre-engineered steel building.

Chairman Dennis Gray told Wall that the board received letters from residents voicing support for the health club.

Fire Chief Dennis Yates said that because of the size of the building Wall is looking to build, he will “have to submit an application with the Fire Marshal’s Office for a construction permit.”


“It could take anywhere between one to eight weeks,” Yates said.

The board scheduled a public hearing on the project for Thursday, May 11.

In other business, the board voted to permit Erica Henderson of South Paris to process and sell canned goods at the building at 329 Main St.

Gray asked if she was planning to do any work on the building that would require a building permit.

“Not at all,” Henderson replied. “Fresh paint is necessary, but more or less, we’re making cosmetic changes to the building. There’s not going to be much construction.”

Oxford business owner Jesse Wall, right, shows Norway Planning Board Chairman Dennis Gray, left, and board member Anthony Morra on Thursday night his plans to construct a private health club on Aldrich Avenue. 

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