Hillary Rodham Clinton is a master of deception with her ability to conceal the truth. She has been in the middle of many controversies and has raised suspicions about her credibility.

Her present and past unethical involvements will have a tremendous impact on the voters now that she has finally decided (after two years of speculation) to seek the presidency for the second time. She has established herself as the likely 2016 Democratic nominee.

The latest controversy concerned her use of personal email accounts while secretary of state. Prior to that, there was the Russian “reset button” gaffe of 2009, her claim to have dodged sniper fire in Bosnia in 2008, and the Whitewater scandal and Travelgate financial irregularities, both in 1993. Perhaps others have not come to light.

Assuming that Clinton is elected president, she would be similar to Barack Obama in terms of displaying a lack of integrity in dealing with government issues. She would also be similar to Obama in keeping America on the edge of a sinking hole, and that foreign countries making contributions to her campaign may gain favors from her.

America has already lost some credibility and has shown weakness in dealing with foreign issues. I don’t believe Clinton, or any candidate seeking the presidency, can regain that credibility.

Robert Lacombe, Lewiston