FARMINGTON — The Farmington Recreation Department’s annual youth fishing derby, which traditionally has been held on the Fourth of July, was held Sunday this year. Twenty-seven anglers between the ages of 4 and 10 participated.

Last year, the temperature of Rollo Pond was so high that the derby had to be postponed. It was feared the trout stocked specifically for the derby would not have survived. The derby was delayed to late September. Attendance was down, so the derby was moved to the spring for this year.

Director Steve Shible welcomed everyone to the derby. He said safety was most important and warned everyone to look before casting to prevent accidents. “I’m one of those who’s gotten hooked,” Shible said. He also cautioned about new lines running overhead near the sandbar. Since he isn’t sure if they are power lines, Shible said to stay away from them.

Wal-Mart helped sponsor this year’s fishing derbies. Shible said the local store has been very supportive of the derbies in the past five years. Employee Lance Maginnis demonstrated how to use a fly fishing rod for the children eagerly awaiting the signal to cast their lines into the water.

Before the derby began, fish could be seen jumping for flies. However, Shible said, four minutes into the derby, “The rainbow trout are winning by a large margin.” 

A short time later, 4-year-old Caleb Newcomb of Livermore, with help from his “Bumpa,” Michael Jandreau, pulled in the first trout. Mom Angela Newcomb said, “I’m so proud of my little man!” 


Adam Decker, 10, of Farmington, caught both the second and fourth fish of the day. He was the first anger to catch a fish without assistance.

Rory Marble, 9, of Weld, was the first girl to catch a fish.

Makayla Barker, 8, of Livermore Falls, caught the biggest fish of the day. “I catched a fish!” she exclaimed. Makayla’s trout was 13.5 inches and weighed 18 ounces.

Sesha Rothert, 5, of Farmington, hooked three fish that got away before reeling in a 13.5-ounce trout just before the one-hour derby ended.

The fishing derby has been taking place for about 30 years. Shible said Rollo Pond hasn’t changed much in that time. He does remember one year when 141 children were all casting lines into the pond at the same time.

Now, there are 36 spaces used. If there are more anglers, children must wait until after an earlier arrival catches his or her two-fish limit to secure a spot.


Adam Decker received a trophy and fishing rod for catching the largest trout without assistance. His name will be engraved on the “Glass Fish” Trophy kept at the Farmington Community Center. Adam’s largest fish was 13 inches, 11 ounces.

Makayla Barker’s 13-inch, 18-ounce trout received the trophy for the biggest fish caught in the ‘assisted’ category. She received a fishing pole and her name also will be engraved on the “Glass Fish” Trophy.

Caleb Newcomb was awarded a trophy for having caught the first fish in the ‘assisted’ category. He received a tackle box.

All participants were presented with a medallion.

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