“We don’t have a plan yet.” That is what President Obama announced on international television at a meeting with leaders from Germany, England, France and other senior officials while in Germany.

No kidding.

It has been a year or more since ISIS told him (and all Americans) that they were coming to America. They declared war on America, for God’s sake. Yet, in spite of advice from his own military advisers, he does not have a plan yet. He indicated that it should be ready in the fall.

What will he say and do when or if ISIS were to start destroying buildings and bridges, killing men, women and children here in America, as they are doing in Iraq? We are not soldiers or Marines. We can’t defend ourselves without weapons.

Wouldn’t it make more sense to fight and defeat those animals where they are located?

When Obama tells the public how he loves this country, I find myself shouting words that can’t be printed here.


How many times has he stated that his most important responsibility as president is to protect the American people?

If he truly loves this country, he should resign right now.

What is really sad is that the majority of Americans don’t seem concerned. Don’t they watch television or read the newspaper?

Marcel Morin, Auburn