This is in response to William Sullivan’s letter (July 3).

To paraphrase Mark Twain, America’s demise is greatly exaggerated. On Inauguration Day 2009, President Barack Obama was installed according to the will of the people, then he was re-elected in 2012 by a majority of voters and Electoral College votes.

Sullivan is welcome to his opinion, but to even indirectly brand the president and the Supreme Court justices as enemies and traitors is more a self-reflection on Sullivan’s part than any form of truth.

Granted, the president and the justices are flawed. They are, after all, human. But one might recall that the Supreme Court is a conservative court, one that, in this instance, seemed more interested in America than in supporting the conservative view and more interested in the Constitution as a living document than in the fixed, narrow tome Sullivan would make it.

The Constitution is subject to interpretation and the president and the Supreme Court justices are just as entitled to their interpretation as Sullivan is to his. Recent cases prove that. The president’s views, which I echo, were upheld.

America will not die because of that, nor will she live or die by other decisions. She lives as she always has, through supporters and dissenters who can be dissenters and supporters on other issues.

Times change, but I hope one thing will always remain: Freedom in all its forms. America lives because of it.

Mr. Sullivan seems to have missed that.

John Mansur, Wales