A couple months ago, Gov. Paul LePage stood with a bunch of bikers and yelled out that he would not stand for abusive or bullying behavior. Perhaps that means that LePage is the only one who can bully, abuse and blackmail.

I have heard that he cannot be impeached because, as governor, he has immunity. Well, if President Richard Nixon could be impeached, why can’t LePage? I agree with many people that he should be impeached because he is the biggest bully of all.

I recently heard on the news that LePage claims he should get final approval on who is hired, claiming that it is his job. If he did his job the way it is supposed to be done, a lot of people would be working now.

LePage is abusing his power and it has gone to his head. He compelled a school to fire an administrator that he didn’t like, threatening to cut off funding to the school if school officials didn’t fire the man.

I am ashamed to even admit that I know LePage. And I would not vote for Gov. Chris Christie if he is the candidate for president, just because he is a friend to LePage and would be much like him.

Phyllis Caron, Lewiston

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