President Barack Obama is a very dangerous man. He and his clan have caused the release of five terrorists for the return of a traitor, Bowe Bergdahl.

There are homegrown Islamic radical extremists now in this country but Obama doesn’t care about that danger.

Obama and his clan made deals with a country whose people say “Death to America.”

It is time for Obama and his radical, left-wing clan to go. He cares more about the melting glaciers in Alaska and playing golf than in terrorist groups.

And look what is happening to U.S. veterans — they are dying every day, awaiting treatment for months and years.

The president and his left-wing radicals don’t care about life, as witnessed by his support of Planned Parenthood and the killing of unborn babies.

Let’s stop all the wrongs that Obama and the left-wing radicals are doing before it is too late, before the next world war.

Reggie Bechard, Lewiston