BETHEL — The Bethel Historical Society will host their annual Stanley Russell Howe lecture from 1:30 to 3 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 17, at the Mason House.

Executive Director Randall Bennett said the lecture was “established by the Board of Trustees in 2010 in recognition of the many years of service that Stan Howe gave as executive director of the Historical Society.”

Howe has since handed the reins of executive director to Bennett and serves as director of education and research at the society.

The guest speaker for the lecture will be Emerson W. Baker, professor of history at Salem State University.

Bennett said his lecture is based on his research into the “witchcraft hysteria” of 1692 in Salem, Mass.

Baker has also taught courses on material culture, archaeology, museums and architectural history, though his main focus is on 17th-century New England.

Bennett said that copies of Baker’s book, “A Storm of Witchcraft: The Salem Trials and the American Experience,” will be available for signing after the lecture.

For more information, call the Bethel Historical Society at 207-824-2908.

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