LIVERMORE — When Ray Hamilton visited the former Deacon Elijah Livermore property on Center Road in the spring of 2014, he was overcome with emotion.

“I had done some painting for the Livermore-Livermore Falls Historical Society,” he said. “I was down there turkey hunting a year ago this spring. I saw this foundation and wanted to cry. It had rotted and fallen in. They never cleaned it out from the fire.”

While he was upset, Hamilton also recognized an opportunity to restore some of the town’s history. He spoke to the Historical Society about it, and they asked him if the Ancient Ones, a club that re-enacts the lifestyles of centuries ago, would be interested in owning it.

“I said, ‘I’ll buy it and I’ll do historical demos here,'” Hamilton said. “This is all coming out of my pocket. This needs to be protected.”

Originally, he had hoped to complete the work last year, but it proved more expensive and time-consuming than he originally thought. However, Hamilton said recently he would complete the work before this winter.

The first order of business was to mow the grass around the rotting foundation and debris. Hamilton removed brush and cut trees to open up the space. He said he has done work to improve the road going into the property and has burned some of the debris. Loose granite from the foundation had to be removed with an excavator, and debris had to be carted off.


“That was the original house over there,” Hamilton said, pointing to an older foundation next to the one he is working on. “This was the ell, where the caretaker lived.”

The house dates from the 1770s. Hamilton mentioned that Livermore, for whom the town is named, fought in the Revolutionary War.

Charles Keene helped remove the granite, he said. Mark Welcome and Paul Litalien have also contributed to the work.

“What’s going to happen right now is I’m capping it,” Hamilton said. “I’m not going to have the funds to build a house.”

He said the foundation is being repaired, and the cellar will house historical displays. A bulkhead will be put over it, and an ice and water shield will cover the top of the foundation and the basement.

In the future, Hamilton said, he would like to build a lean-to about 16 by 20 feet, a narrow building with a center chimney.


Outside, an heirloom garden will be planted. Hamilton’s plans include doing historical demonstrations on site, such as flintlock firearms from the 1770s through the 1840s. Maple syrup-making in 1700s fashion will be shown, and some winter activities will also take place.

The demonstrations could also include how to start fire with flint and steel, “just things people don’t know. There’s a lot of things that have been lost over time,” Hamilton said.

Hamilton welcomes donations of artifacts, which will be needed for the historical demonstrations. They could include blacksmithing items, a butter churn and an airtight wood stove. For more information about the project, or to donate, call him at 897-5058.

On Sunday, Nov. 8, a gun show will take place at the Livermore Community Center. The attendance cost is $3. Funds will be used to benefit Hamilton’s project on the Livermore property.

“This is such a cool historical place,” he said. “I’ve spent the last few nights camped out here using a tent that they would have been using in the 1700s. To me, it’s amazing what they were able to accomplish. They did everything by hand.”

He added, “Most people have lost their imagination. I still have a very good imagination. I believe we can do a lot of great things in the community and make it a great place to live. This is my dream right now and I’m moving forward with it.”