Having grown up here in Lewiston, I give credit to this city for having the ability to absorb new immigrant populations and to allow space for different cultures to shape the city’s identity and bring new vitality. It has been a part of Lewiston’s evolution since its inception and an essential part of future growth.

It was a sad and disgusting discovery for me to see a political sign on Pine Street depicting a racist’s view of mayoral candidate Ben Chin, referencing him to communist leader Ho Chi Minh.

Whatever political views people have, there is no excuse whatsoever for exploiting a person’s ethnic background as a means of attacking his or her character. The mayoral election is an important one for Lewiston, and one with real implications. Residents are fortunate to have willing, passionate and patriotic people step forward to offer their leadership.

To see such ignorant hate speech, such as what was posted at 101 Pine St., has no place in political (or any other) discourse.

John Cote, Lewiston

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