100 years ago, 1915
Twenty girls from Edward Little high school, Auburn, enjoyed a hare and hound chase, Wednesday, with Miss Theresa Jordan. Fires were built beneath an evergreen tree and marshmallows toasted and apples roasted.

50 years ago, 1965
Auburn City Manager Woodbury E. Brackett said today that an extensive renovation program now underway at the City Building may take three years or more to complete. Brackett said it is not planned to complete the project this year. He made his remarks on the heels of recent reports that the cost of renovations may exceed $10,000 or even $15,000. The city manager pointed out that only $5,000 was appropriated for building renovations for the present year. He stated that the project will be stopped for the year when this amount is expended.

25 years ago, 1990
Twelve years after a Navy plane exploded and crashed in West Poland, a deer hunter found a piece of the wreckage under leaves in a wooded area near the top of Bragdon Hill. Michael Kyllonen of Mechanic Falls, spotted a section of tail wing from the P-3 Orion reconnaissance plane, which he identified by marking tags. That was on Saturday, when he and his son, Michael Jr., 11, and several friends were hunting in wooded area about a mile from where the plane crashed, near the intersection of Route 11 and While Oak Hill Road, in September 1978. “I picked up the piece, which weighed about 25 or 30 pounds,” Kyllonen said. “It was about six and one-half by two and one-half feet. On Monday, Kyllonen decided to notify the Brunswick Naval Air Station about his find. Soon thereafter, a Huey helicopter landed across Route 11 from the Mechanic Falls Masonic Temple and seven crewmen stepped out to carry out their mission: to retrieve the tail wing section, which Kyllonen turned over to them.

The material in Looking Back is reproduced exactly as it originally appeared, although misspellings and errors made at that time may be edited.