The President of France recently announced that France will continue to accept 30,000 Muslim refugees and political elites are praising his “courage.”

Courage? What are they trying to prove?

Long before the recent crisis, France has struggled to integrate their Muslim populations. Despite generous “cradle-to-grave” social programs, their Muslim communities are poor and marginalized, with high unemployment and growing anger.

Violent riots riddled Paris in 2013. An NPR interviewer reported that while French flags are flying all over France since the terrorist attacks, there were no French flags in the Muslim ghettos.

French leadership should focus on improving conditions facing the Muslims already living in France, not proudly announcing their willingness to accept thousands more after the recent slaughter.

According to Wikipedia, Brussels, Belgium, from which the masterminds allegedly planned the terrorist attack in Paris, is 25 percent Muslim today and 60 percent of the children entering their public schools are Muslim. How much more welcoming does Europe have to be?

Islamist terrorists are gaining recruits from those communities and right-wing parties are growing, pointing to the Islamization of Europe. European leadership should rethink their globalist agendas allowing open borders and mass immigration and pay more attention to their own citizens.

I have read that the U.S. could support 12 Syrians living in U.N. refugee camps at the same cost as one refugee brought to America. The U.S. should invest its money and compassion where it would help the most.

Jonette Christian, Holden

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