Lewiston’s election brought some troubling questions and concerns still persist, but the majority of voters made it clear on Dec. 8 that Lewiston is not for sale to any individual or group.

It is very troubling that special interest groups would raise in excess of $90,000 to run a candidate for mayor, when less than $5,000 gets a candidate elected. It raises concerns about what was expected in return for those campaign donations, especially when much of that money came from out of state. It gave the perception that outsiders with special interests had an agenda for Lewiston and its citizens.

I believe those individuals or groups aimed to use Lewiston as a springboard to launch their special agendas. Another proof was the relentless campaign phone calls — as many as three to five per household in the final two days of the campaign. That borders on harassment.

The newly elected City Council needs to pay close attention to the results of the election and remember that they represent all the citizens in their respective wards, not just special interest groups. The voters should watch the council very closely.

Lewiston is not perfect; no community is. It has its share of problems — substandard housing, poverty, drugs, homelessness, welfare issues — no one disputes that. All large communities have them. The only way to resolve those is for everyone to work together, not turn one group of citizens against the others, causing discontent and resentment among the general public.

Lionel Guay, Lewiston

Editor’s note: Lionel Guay is a former mayor of Lewiston.