FARMINGTON — The waste recycling effort started by the former Sandy River Recycling Association continues under Archie’s Inc. of Mexico.

SRRA formed to promote waste recycling in Franklin County and operated for 25 years. After closing down June 30, 2014, its equipment sold quickly and a total of $233,389 was disbursed to 14 towns who remained members as of January 2014, according to Richard Doughty, association treasurer.

The amount received by each town was “based on a formula that took into consideration what they paid for the transport and processing of their recyclables during (the association’s) last five years,” Doughty said in a release.

The amounts varied, with Farmington receiving $46,732, or 20 percent of the total disbursed to towns, and New Vineyard receiving $5,108, or 2.2 percent of the total. 

At its height, the association consisted of 21 member towns. Owned by member towns and governed by their representatives, it collected, processed and marketed recyclables for its members.

“Awareness of the need for recycling is quite high,” Archie’s owner Alan Archibald said.


His company recycles materials from many towns that were members of the association. The service has expanded, he said.

Archibald placed the winning bid of $70,000 for the association’s Dump Road property during an auction in September, said Jo Josephson, former association president.

The company has not moved in yet.

Archie’s maintains a trash and recycling collection site on Poverty Lane off High Street in Farmington.

It is convenient for Farmington residents, Archibald said. He plans to continue at the site for collection of waste and recyclables but move the industrial side — the generator and baler — to the Dump Road building, he said.

“We have outgrown the Poverty Lane building,” Archibald said.


The recyclables are still moving but not as fast as hoped, he said. Plastic prices are down and getting rid of it is slower. Archie’s takes only No. 2 plastic, both color and clear, he said.

Maine Waste Management Agency provided $150,000 for SRRA to start up in 1991. Members contributed a $50,000 match to cover a proposed $200,000 budget, which included purchase of a roll-off truck, roll-off containers and a forklift.

When several towns became interested in single-sort recycling, towns began withdrawing, Josephson said. When the economy took a downturn in 2008, so did demand for recyclables, along with prices for them.

“We succeeded because we got people into recycling,” Josephson said. “We’re proud we got recycling started in Franklin County. It is a good idea that keeps moving and takes on many different forms now, including single sort.”