MEXICO — Jack Gaudet was elected selectman Tuesday, narrowly defeating Peter Merrill, 32-29, according to town Executive Secretary Sheryl Briggs.

Gaudet succeeds Albert Aniel, who resigned in November and moved to Camden. The term expires June 30, 2017.

Gaudet served on the Budget Committee and is a member of the Fire Department.

Merrill previously served three terms on the Board of Selectmen, in 2005, 2008 and 2011.

The other piece of action at the special meeting was to act on changes to the Fire Department bylaws, which was approved by voters.

Shortly after learning he had been voted in as selectman, Gaudet was sworn in by Town Clerk Penny Duguay and then joined the other four selectmen at their regular Tuesday evening meeting.

As board members put their signatures on the approved minutes of the last meeting, Gaudet was looking to add his signature, but Board Chairman Richie Philbrick said he could not do so because he wasn’t present.

Gaudet then acknowledged that he couldn’t sign the minutes, but did note that he did attend the last meeting — as a citizen.