I am so sick of the crybaby Democrats who lost the past two elections for governor of Maine. It seems it really stick in their craw and they can’t get beyond the fact that the voters elected Paul LePage twice. Now they want to impeach him.

Democrats did the same thing to Sarah Palin in Alaska. They harassed her, too.

Liberals should get over it. Conservatives have had to live with their choice for the presidency, twice.

I have a lot of respect for Gov. Paul LePage and he has every right to speak his mind. After all, that is what endeared him to those voters who elected him.

I am so sick of the politically correct jargon going on in this country. It is nothing but suppression of free speech and is designed to keep people silent.

I will not be silenced. I plan to speak up and to speak out. I will not yield my rights on this or any of the other rights that are mine as an American citizen.

I suggest people bone up on the Constitution, especially the liberals.

Mary Jane Newell, Oxford