The Sun Journal has an intriguing article about Antarctica’s melting ice pack (Feb. 23). That article claimed that between 23 and 14 million years ago, atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations were believed to be about 500 parts per million or higher — some 20 percent higher than the 400 ppm today.

I don’t believe humans living that long ago were burning all that much carbon-generating fuel, so where did all that carbon dioxide come from? Was it volcanoes or some other phenomenon?

Either way, I don’t believe anything humans are doing now is going to affect the global temperature to any extent comparable to natural occurring variations in carbon dioxide levels or other celestial or extra-terrestrial events, such as variations in the Earth’s orbit around the sun or things such as asteroid collisions.

All the hype about climate change and its threat to the environment is so much rubbish. Climate change has been occurring ever since the creation of the Earth, and we are not going to materially change that.

Richard Grover, Mason Township