This is a response to Robert Macdonald’s letter (March 30).

He spends most of his letter railing against Bob Pelletier’s letter of March 25 regarding the Lewiston budget and the people entrusted to spend Lewiston’s dollars wisely.

Macdonald wrote that, “Pelletier crossed the line when he criticized Lewiston’s hard-working dedicated employees,” and added, “that department heads are competent, dedicated and exceptional.”

What I find ironic is that Macdonald has a column in a local weekly newspaper called “Enough is Enough,” which he uses to do the same thing that he accuses Pelletier of doing. That newspaper publishes only conservative viewpoints, whereas the Sun Journal allows time and print for opposing views. Macdonald has taken full advantage of that opportunity.

While people might not agree with Pelletier’s viewpoints, what gives Macdonald the right to challenge those opinions when he engages in the same practice, unchallenged?

That “my way or the highway” attitude at the federal, state and local level has divided many people.

Norman Smith, Poland