This is in response to a Sun Journal story (March 31) about the proposed Auburn School Department budget. The public hearing was a well-rehearsed puppet show, starring an 11-year-old who begged officials to keep a librarian on staff. Not a science teacher or an industrial arts teacher. No, a librarian.

My phone showed me a video on how to set the points on a small engine, step by step. Didn’t cost a nickel, never mind wages, health care and pension.

How sad for that couple in the story from New York who believe in the excellence of Maine education (ranked 38th in the nation, according to Gov. LePage as reported in another Sun Journal story, March 23). And that 83-year-old who claimed the proposed increase is “small change” — I’ll bet my last dollar that he is not living on Social Security. The increase, $67 per year more on a home valued at $150,000 — why not print the truth? It means a current bill of $3,142.50 would go up to $3,209.50.

A $40 million budget for a system in a state that is 38th in the nation.

And an outright land grab in East Auburn, cutting East Auburn Men’s Club trees, erecting lights, paving land — what arrogance. Code enforcement in Auburn is out to lunch. Tom Kendall’s stance forces the club to hire lawyers. The Auburn School Department are the bullies.

Deception, dishonesty and deceitfulness are the new three Ds and what describes Auburn education officials, where 38th in the nation is perceived as excellence.

Jeffrey Keenan, Auburn