PERU — Three residents have filed nomination papers for two Board of Selectmen seats, Town Clerk Vera Parent said Tuesday.

Carol Roach, Raquel Welch and Ed Ferland are seeking election to a one-year or a three-year term.

The one-year term is to fill the seat of Lee Merrill, who was required to resign in November 2015 after he was elected road commissioner.

The three-year term is to fill the seat of Jim Pulsifer, who said he is not seeking re-election.

Ferland served on the Board of Selectmen in 2011 and 2012 but was removed from office by a recall vote in early 2013, along with Dickie Powell, Tim Holland and Kathy Hussey.

The recall election occurred after Hussey refused to leave her board position or town secretarial position when voters passed an ordinance in November 2012 barring town employees from simultaneously holding positions on the Board of Selectmen or Finance Committee.


Roach has served on the Finance Committee and as a ballot clerk.

Welch has been employed by Regional School Unit 10 for the past 15 years.

Elections will be held June 14 at the Town Office.