I am very confused after reading the story about the “mean cow,” that had to be shot (June 21).

Being a dairy farmer for more than 50 years, I was confused as to why it took 10 to 15 rounds to put the cow down. The picture shows the police officer and the cow looking at each other. One bullet between the eyes would have put it down; another could have been used if needed, to be sure it was not suffering.

It could have been done quickly with no danger to anyone.

Yes, once in a while, a cow will have a “mean” streak, but that one was clearly in a panic. Cows do not like changes and are creatures of habit. If a stranger walks in their barn, all are at attention.

They are not used to being in a trailer riding around unless they are show animals. The big, noisy city is a huge change from their barn or pasture.

I have been stepped on, kicked and knocked down. It was because they were startled or something wasn’t right in their eyes.

If someone sees a cow standing in mud, an animal activist would appear and be all over the owner. Yet killing the animal is OK for a cow in a panic.

Sandra McNear, Leeds

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