Donald Trump came to Maine sowing mistrust and untruths. His uninformed scorn is an affront to the Somali community and all caring Mainers. Many members of the Somali community risked their lives to escape violence, hunger and oppression to find a better life.

Trump’s harmful rhetoric rips the social fabric of this nation. He has bullied and humiliated prominent public servants in his quest for the nomination. He generates fear and uncertainty, dodges questions of substance, makes promises he will be unable to keep while claiming “I alone will fix it.”

That is a flawed statement full of bravado.

Trump has managed to alienate members of his own party, whose support he would need as president in order to get things done.

Trump can dish it out but is thin-skinned and combative when criticized. His temperament is ill-suited for the responsibilities of representing our country to the world in these dangerous times.

Ted Nixon, Waterford

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