MEXICO — The list of people vying for the town manager post has been narrowed to two.

At Tuesday’s meeting of the Board of Selectmen, Chairman Richie Philbrick said the board discussed the candidates in an executive session on Monday. He said there will be another meeting in the near future to decide whether to offer the position to one of the two remaining candidates.

“We’re not going to rush this,” said Philbrick, who earlier indicated they would like to have someone on board by early November to work with Town Manager John Madigan before he retires at the end of the year.

He said candidates are excellent and reside in Maine.

As for criteria, Philbrick said they’re hoping for someone who would be able to handle both the town manager and road commissioner posts, which Madigan is doing. The board would like someone with an economic development background and knowledge of computers to assist with the town website.

The town contracted with David Barrett, director of personnel services and labor relations for the Maine Municipal Association, to assist with finding candidates for town manager.


In other business, selectmen voted to allow a group of 48 volunteers, known as GRAMPS, to continue to rent the Calvin Lyons Meeting Room downstairs room in the town hall.

GRAMPS stands for Greater Rumford Area Ministers Pantry Service.

In July, selectmen reprimanded the group, which provides a free community lunch every Wednesday, for being negligent about cleaning up. The board revisited the issue on Tuesday.

When selectmen asked if problems were continuing, Town Clerk Penny Duguay said she didn’t know of any recent issues. She said she has been providing a cleanup checklist with the volunteers that has been working well.

Stephanie Wilson, coordinator for the program, said provide more than 5,000 meals a year. Holding up papers, she added, “I’ve received only two written complaints. I’ve lost workers as a result of this issue. We now need more helpers.”

She continued, “GRAMPS shouldn’t have to be on the radar all the time. We’re working our butts off. Let’s try to be adults about this.”

Wilson requested that the town post a “No Smoking” sign at the outside door of the room. State law says smoking is banned within 25 feet of a public place that’s being rented. She also asked for police to enforce the handicapped parking spaces in front.