I am voting for Scott Landry for House District 113.

Landry, as an insurance agent, was a great help finding feasible health insurance for employees of my business in years past. He has indicated strong support of MaineCare expansion and his insurance background gives him a unique perspective of this need.

His opponent wasn’t supportive of 70,000 Mainers needing this care. Many are seasonal and/or part-time workers in service-related jobs. Clearly, they need to remain healthy to work and support Maine’s economy. LD-633, masterfully crafted by Sen. Tom Saviello, addressed many previous objections, yet the governor and many legislators have continued to oppose that needed benefit.

Federal funds would pay nearly all of the expense, reducing costs to the state and charity costs at Franklin Memorial Hospital, while treating opioid addiction and creating and saving jobs in medically related fields.

I support Scott Landry and the renewed MaineCare expansion effort.

Colon Durrell, Farmington

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