LIVERMORE FALLS — The Livermore Falls Women’s Club voted at its Oct. 20 meeting to donate $100 to Safe Voices, a nonprofit seeking to end domestic violence, to assist with food baskets for Thanksgiving. 

It also voted to offer support to Harris House in Livermore Falls.

The meeting, held at LaFleurs Restaurant, included brunch and an introduction by Vice President Ellen Young.

Sisters Norma Salway and Dorothy Adams, retired teachers, provided a presentation of vintage clothing from their family members. A history timeline of clothing was included in the talk. Members were able to show vintage items from their own families.

The next meeting will be on Tuesday, Dec. 6, at LaFleurs Restaurant, and include a Christmas luncheon with the Historical Society. This is an annual event in which donations of money and food are made for the Tri-County Ministerial Food Pantry.